Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Patiently Waiting Mom and Dad!

One of the hardest things we have endured during this adoption process is the waiting! We have officially been active for 7 months and still not one call from a potential match. We are so excited about this journey but sometimes find it hard to not get discouraged as we continue to wait for that call. I guess in some sense it's like being pregnant and waiting that nine months to hold that sweet bundle of joy in your arms except we don't know how long we will be "pregnant" for till we or if we will ever have the opportunity to be mommy and daddy. Emotionally it's a roller coaster ride because our greatest joy comes from someone else's greatest sorrow. So the longer we wait the more I sit back and reflect on the joys I will have when or if that day ever comes.

       I have never looked so forward to being sleep deprived. Haha I know that is crazy. I look forward to long nights and early mornings, dirty diapers and endless mounds of laundry, I find myself envious of all my friends that are expecting not jealous just envious that they get an end date. I look forward to the day that I will know what month my future child may be born, what gender my child might be, what his/her biological mom will be like and the joys of getting to know her. Of making sure she feels included in this child's life no matter where life takes us. I know some may say be weary that you don't want to much contact but I feel the opposite. I look forward to the friendship that I hope we can build through our mutual love for the child. I look forward to including her as much as she feels comfortable so this never feels like a loss but more like she gained a whole new family. Like I said my joy is her sorrow. I have learned so much through this process and patience would have to be the biggest. Patience to let go and know that god truly does have control of this. Patience to wait and not know if this is in my cards are not but to still remain hopeful to the end. Patience to stay as positive as I can be no matter how long we have to wait.

      I will look back at all this one day and hopefully say to my child this is where your journey to join our family began. That your biological mom choose life and love and only wanted the best life could offer you. I promise to love you and cherish you for always. I promise to guide you and encourage you to be all that you can be. I promise to help you be the person you were meant to be. I promise to teach you diversity and never be scared to set your own path. I promise to give you all that we have to offer. I promise that you will know daily how much you are loved by us as your parents by your extended family and your biological family. I promise to love you for a lifetime and keep you safe happy and healthy.

                    We pray daily for that phone call that will allow us to be the parents we know we can be. To be able to show so much love to a child that we can call our own. Till then our story starts here with no true beginning as to when we will have more joy in our hearts than we can fathom.

                                                                                                     With All Our Love,

                                                                                         Patiently Waiting Mom and Dad!

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