Our journey to become parents started a little over a year ago. After much thought and deliberation we decided that we wanted to add to our family through adoption. After a lengthy process of tons of paperwork, background checks, physicals and fingerprinting we finally became active on April 15th 2013. Through the process we thought that the paperwork and such was the hardest part of our journey but we soon realized that the waiting would be by far the hardest part. We received several phone calls from perspective birth mothers yet nothing ever seemed right. Either our parenting skills were different or we didn't have any of the same goals going into the future. Turning away a pregnant woman that wanted to choose you was hard but we trusted our gut that god would lead us to the perfect situation for us. Months and months past by and we tried to stay positive and not get to discouraged by the fact that we still wasn't able to match and add to our family.
On Wednesday November 20th at 12:30am (which just so happens to be my grandfather's birthday whom had passed away almost two years prior) we received an email from a couple on our iheart adoption page. Made me think that my grandfather was up there watching out for us and wanted us to have this as much as we did. I was over the moon excited that we had finally been contacted by another couple and was anxious to email them back. I took the whole day to think out my response before I sent them a reply and then hoped that they would like us just by what we had written. They responded and told us they would call us on Friday the 22nd. Friday came and went and we never heard from them. We figured it just wasn't meant to be. On Sunday 24th around 3:30pm we received a phone call from them stating that the would be in our area could they stop by and meet us around 6. Of course I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off to clean the house and actually put real clothes on and not just my pj's. They showed up and stayed for about five and a half hours while we sat around the dinner table and got to know each other. It was a wonderful meeting. We really hit it off and promised to get together soon. We never realized at that time how much our lives were changing. We had our second meeting on Thanksgiving day. We invited them to come share dinner with us and our family. We all had a great time and we fell more in love with them as a couple. The following Monday December 2nd they called the agency and we officially matched with them. She originally had a due date of December 21st but had been given a second due date of December 28th. They spent Christmas Eve with us at my moms house and over the course of the few weeks prior I attended several doctor visits and ER visits. I still remember the first time I walked in the hospital and heard our angels heartbeat. It melted my heart and I couldn't wait for our angel to be here. New years eve they came and spent the evening with us as we had a cookout with tons of fireworks. On January 2nd 2014 the birthmother went to her doctors appointment and they sent her straight to the hospital to be induced. Our angel was born at 9:21p.m. on January 2nd 2014 weighing 8lbs 7oz and was 20 inches long. She is my biggest and best accomplishment. We both couldn't be more in love and today Jan14th she is officially ours. Being a mommy is my greatest joy especially getting to be a mommy to this beautiful little girl. She couldn't be more perfect. So thankful to our birthparents that choose us to parent this angel from above. They will always have a special place in our hearts.